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Saved by anjaliramachandran@...
on March 23, 2009 at 10:06:13 pm


About Crowdsourcing Examples


This wiki is intended for the benefit of anyone who has ever wished they could see a comprehensive list of examples, either backed by a brand or not, that illustrate the power of crowdsourcing (as conceptualised by Jeff Howe). As the power of online communities grows ever stronger, it will undoubtedly be useful to look and learn from the experience of others. The wiki has been compiled by drawing from a variety of different sources, whose contributions I would like to acknowledge at the outset.


Please note that each list is sortable by ascending or descending alphabetical order- just click on the column title and you'll see an arrow which will allow you to sort. 


I have categorised these examples into 4 broad themes. (Please note that some examples may cross boundaries)


1. Individual businesses or sites that channel the power of online crowds

2. Brand-sponsored initiatives or forums that depend on crowdsourcing. I've included those that are no longer active as well, for reference. 

4. Brand initiatives that allow users to customise their products

5. Brand-sponsored competitions/challenges focussed on crowdsourcing


If you know of examples that should be added and would like to become a contributor, please go here. 




Anjali Ramachandran

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