
Acknowledgements and Sources

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Saved by anjaliramachandran@...
on March 23, 2009 at 4:26:45 am


The sites and/or blog posts below have been extremely useful in compiling the lists on this wiki. I would like to stress that I am not looking to duplicate the work done in all these sites/blogs, but to consolidate them in one place. Open Innovators, for example, mentions crowdsourcing examples but its focus is innovation. Similarly, Peter Kim's really cool list has examples of social media marketing out of which crowdsourced examples are again a subset. I have included both those subsets in this wiki so that it is comprehensive. Though sites like YouTube and Flickr are technically crowdsourcing sites, I have not included them because to me, they are more social networks, and social networks are not in the purview of this list. I have also excluded sites that harness the expertise of a closed group of individuals, though they may be useful in their own right. 


List of open innovation and crowdsourcing examples (Open Innovators)

A list of Social Media Marketing Examples (Peter Kim)

Crowdsourcing: Milk the Masses for Inspiration (Business Week)

Crowdsourcing (Wikipedia)

Buzzwords - Crowdsourcing (Youth Marketing Buzz by Graham Brown)

How to crowdsource your research and development (Josh Catone in a SitePoint article)

10 Articles on Working the Idea Cloud, Crowdsourcing & Development (Arun in Mobile Youth)

Crowdsourcing: everything old is new again, and again (B.L.Ochman in AdAge)

Idea Cloud, Crowdsourcing & Product Development (Arun in Mobile Youth)

Crowdsourcing: Utilize the customer's creativity (Efthymios Constantinides in Web 2.0 Marketing Blog) 

Crowdsourcing is not milking the masses for free labour, so put away your teets (Cambrian House blog)

Examples - Open Everything Wiki 

Customer-Made (Trendwatching)

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